The key to losing weight and wellness


KEY # 1 to eat more vegetables and organic fruit!

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, provide filling fiber, vitamins and minerals, and protect their health in many ways. Organic products have superior nutrition without insecticides and poisons found in normal production. Eat as much of its crude production, as you can. Cooked or frozen is acceptable, but stay away from canned food. Course, they are fermented (lacto-fermented) vegetables such as cabbage and Kimcheevery good for you too.

KEY # 2 eat meat and animal products.

It contains vital nutrients found in foods of animal origin that are not found elsewhere. Meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk are important staples of our diet. And their proteins are important for the conservation of the building and lean tissue - muscle burns calories!

KEY # 3 Eat whole grains - well prepared.

Grains should be soaked, sprouted, or fermented to digest for most people to be. IntegralsProducts that can not be adequately prepared to cause mineral deficiencies and intestinal problems.

KEY # 4 Add dairy to your diet.

Raw (unprocessed unhomogenized, raw), whole milk from cows fed with grass, which the body needs (adults and children). It promotes the intake of calcium and other nutrients, and helps your body fat with CLA unwanted delay. See for more information.

KEY # 5 Eat plenty of good fats

TheOmega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in butter, some fish (especially cod liver oil), coconut oil and palm kernels and nuts are essential for health. Saturated fat is in spite of probably belongs to you, help you lose weight does not cause heart disease, and is really something that the body needs for healthy functioning.

What to avoid

KEY # 6 Cut Out "Junk" carbs - sugar and white flour. You are sabotaging your healthy diet, but in all the smaller amounts. The use of whole wheat flour, and small amounts of saturated fatnatural sugars like honey and organic maple syrup. Stay away from corn syrup - it's worse than sugar.

KEY # 7 significantly reduce "junk" and "bad" fats

Trans-fats and processed oils (most of the oil that lies at the supermarket for cooking), not only are they high in calories but with harmful fatty acids that contribute to disease and obesity loaded. Use butter and coconut oil for cooking, and raw linen and other healthy oils such as olive oil for salads.

KEY # 8 StayAway from food, soy Modern

Soy is not a substitute for meat and can block the absorption of minerals, inhibit protein digestion, press thyroid function and contain strong carcinogens. Traditional soy foods have been included in order, if small quantity and well-fermented like soy sauce, miso and tempeh. Avoid all products with the isolated soy protein and add it. They do not give children soy formula!

KEY # 9 AvoidFood

Canned and processed foods, meals, canned, processed meat and cheese, egg white and powers of powered milk containing toxic substances and things that keep you fat - like MSG, Rancid fats and cholesterol, hydrogenated oils and trans fats, white sugar and white flour, all to say nothing of added colors, preservatives or artificial vitamins. The use of unrefined sea salt and herbs to flavor food instead of refined salt and MSG.

KEY # 10 to reduce or remove KingAlcohol

Re alcohol consumption tends to lead to weight gain. Traditional home-made raw fermented beverages, low alcohol, are on the other hand, good for you in moderation.

When, how and how much you eat

KEY # 11 Cut Down on Food caution

Extreme and sudden diet causes your body will burn calories. See "Report".

KEY # 12 Eat snacks, meals not

Burned frequent small healthy snacks for energy, not storedfat.

KEY # 13 Stop Counting Calories

Is not the calories that make you fat, is the food we eat - such as sugar, white flour, processed foods and oils bad!


Eating KEY # 14 above, no later

Skipping breakfast makes it difficult to control your appetite during the day.

KEY MOVE # 15!

You have to train to build lean tissue that burns fat! Gradually increase exercise frequency and intensity of an impact.

KEY# 16 to reduce stress

Stress increases hunger and promotes weight gain.

KEY # 17, every day Sunshine and plenty of sleep

Sun produces vitamin D, which aids in fat loss, while sleep is necessary for rejuvenation and carbohydrate metabolism.

KEY # 18 Maintain a healthy and active life

Good habits and small steps you can on your way to a healthy lifestyle and fit.

KEY # 19, a positive person

Positive thinking and practiceForgiveness.

KEY # 20, which are responsible for their own health

And 'you want to do work, the responsibility for your health - not the job of a spouse, your family, your doctor or cook. Learn the discipline and practice. Share what you learn with others.

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