Recent discoveries regarding the cardioprotective benefits of soy isoflavones has been an increase in the consumption of soy protein powder excited. Even if consumers are more likely intake of soy isoflavones in powder form for the moment, you will also benefit of the protein nitrogen balance studies in humans showing that isolated soy protein is comparable to that of animals, the effects of soy-based diet compared with an animal> Protein-diet based on whole body protein turnover assessed with two groups of six men. The rates of protein synthesis and degradation of proteins were similar in both groups. But recent research in comparison with casein soy protein on the retention net in pigs. Constant infusion of casein or soy postabsorptively made with measurements and 2-6 hours after enteral nutrition. Amino acids and urea kineticsassessed with a primed continuous infusion protocol with L-[ring-2, 63H] phenylalanine, L-[3,4-3H] valine and [15N-15N] urea. During the meal was the presence of amino acids in the portal vein and its adoption by the liver with lower casein infusion. Registration muscle did not differ between the infusions of casein or soy. Infusion of soybean has stimulated a lower rate of intestinal protein synthesis and the highest rate of turnover of muscle proteins. The infusion of casein stimulatedA higher rate of liver protein synthesis and degradation. It postabsorptive state, does not change the production of casein infusion hepatic urea, whereas the infusion of soybean significantly increased. The researchers found that soy protein has a lower quality than the protein casein.
Soy is well tolerated and no related adverse events are associated with its use. Soya stimulates lower liverDemonstration of synthesis and degradation, for further research on the combination of soy with other proteins, revealing for the provision of a protein, which not only reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also receives a higher protein synthesis and reduced protein degradation.
Glutamine promotes muscle glycogen storage
In this study, seven male subjects of average fitness in three different studies. First,Subjects performed exercise bike designed to reduce their fast and slow fibers of muscle glycogen.
Then they either received
A 18.5% glucose polymer solution
8 g of glutamine, or
A solution of polymer 18.5% glucose and 8 g of glutamine.
During the three studies, have also received a continuous infusion of glucose for 2 hours. Plasma glutamine concentration dramatically after the ingestion of glutamine alone or together with the polymer of glucose.Glutamine concentrations were approximately 70% compared to baseline 30-45 minutes after taking glutamine. Furthermore, the recruitment of glutamine had no effect on levels of insulin. As expected, the host polymer of glucose (with or without glutamine) produces a substantial increase in insulin 30-90 minutes. Glutamine was as effective as the glucose polymer solution to increase muscle glycogen after glycogen-depleting workout.
According to the researchers, "Oral glutaminealone promoted storage of muscle glycogen at a certain point, such as polymer of glucose orally. The uptake of glutamine and glucose polymer together promoted the conservation of carbohydrate outside of skeletal muscle, which is the most feasible site in the liver. "
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